Love my new Sapphire Tweed Skirt! Got it home on Thursday, wore this outfit on Friday! =)
Wearing: Plum on a Tuesday
Just quickly put together this potential look for tomorrow. Love the plum color this fall! Will have a quiet -- but hopefully productive -- day at work tomorrow (no meetings!!!). Think I'll be comfy and somewhat cute in Matchstick Jeans, Cashmere Cardi in plum, Hammered Silk Tank in ivory, and maybe the lovely Cloud Necklace. Sorry, can't link since isn't working for me right now.

Wearing: Plum on a Tuesday by MrsT
Wearing: Plum on a Tuesday by MrsT
Wearing: Pink in Silk & Cashmere for Work Event
Big Christmas dinner event with work coming up tomorrow (Monday). Planning to wear my new Taffeta A-line Skirt in Light Flamingo, my (also new) Cashmere Bateau Sweater in Bright Rhubarb, and my Cloud Necklace -- which is also new and also pink. I blame the great codes that J. Crew have put out lately =) So, I'll be very pink tomorrow. Unless I change my mind. We'll see...
Christmas Dinner at Work by MrsT
Review: Cloud Necklace

So, I received my new Cloud Necklace the other day. I was really excited to get it, as it was a major splurge (at least for a necklace), and looked sooo pretty online.
First, it did come beautifully wrapped in bubbles and tissue paper, inside a J. Crew box, and even tied with a ribbon. Love that!
First, it did come beautifully wrapped in bubbles and tissue paper, inside a J. Crew box, and even tied with a ribbon. Love that!

And it IS so pretty in real life too! Great color, pinkish but not bright. Will depend a lot on what you wear with it, as it takes up the color from your top/sweater/etc. It is a very good length, and also adjustable with the ribbon. Falls and lays beautifully, perhaps with the exception that the two strands overlap slightly at the bottom -- haven't decided if the shorter strand should be on top or beneath the longer one, but I'm sure I'll figure it out...

And, it's not heavy at all. Well, you can feel it of course, but since it's not glass but resin beads, I think it is actually lighter than for example the Glass-Bead Ribbon Necklace that I also have.
It's definitly a statement piece. If that is what you are after, put the Cloud Necklace on your short list.
It's definitly a statement piece. If that is what you are after, put the Cloud Necklace on your short list.

Order of the Day
I've been wanting the Shimmery python pencil skirt since it first came out. But I'm not known for my quick decisions, waited to long, and it sold out. Now I've been watching every day, waiting for my size to show up again. And today it finally did! Of course I had to get it. And of course I also had to get something else, to push my total over the free-ship limit...
In a sort of panic, not daring to wait too long and lose the skirt to some other shopper, I added the Cashmere Peyton Dress in Heather Graphite as well. Tried on the Ruby one in store when in NY a while ago (or was it the Purple?), and really liked it on. Very simple shape, but the material makes it special. Have another cashmere dress (unusually not by J. Crew but by Vince) that I got last year, and have been wearing a lot, so I hope the Peyton will spend a lot of time out of my closet as well. Very happy shopper, it all came to about $150 or so, which is a really good deal, too. Will give reviews when I get them. Here's to hoping they won't get cancelled on me =)
In a sort of panic, not daring to wait too long and lose the skirt to some other shopper, I added the Cashmere Peyton Dress in Heather Graphite as well. Tried on the Ruby one in store when in NY a while ago (or was it the Purple?), and really liked it on. Very simple shape, but the material makes it special. Have another cashmere dress (unusually not by J. Crew but by Vince) that I got last year, and have been wearing a lot, so I hope the Peyton will spend a lot of time out of my closet as well. Very happy shopper, it all came to about $150 or so, which is a really good deal, too. Will give reviews when I get them. Here's to hoping they won't get cancelled on me =)
Order of the day by MrsT
Order of the Day,
Wishlist for December
Lots of pink and grey on my wishlist for December. No wonder, as they are some of my favorite colors. Some are attainable, some may be sold out by the time I decide the price is right =) But I enjoy the wishing for...
Wishlist December by MrsT
Cloud & Cashmere
I ordered the Cloud Necklace yesterday. A bit high in price still, but I've been thinking about it since it came out. Hope it's actually not too big, but just as grand as I'm imagining... Will give a review once I get it. In the meantime, I'm plotting outfits for it =)
Cloud & Cashmere by MrsT
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